How to create an embroidery shop on Etsy: A Comprehensive Guide
It is well known that Etsy is a great choice for embroidery shop owners looking to expand their sales channels. However, many embroidery beginners have little knowledge of Etsy when they are about to start [...]
Recommended embroidery machine models for beginners
Choosing a suitable embroidery machine is undoubtedly the most important thing for entrepreneurs who are just ready to start their embroidery business. We have often [...]
What you need to know about learning machine embroidery
When you are ready to buy an embroidery machine, you will definitely have these questions in your mind: How long does it take to learn machine embroidery? What do I need to prepare before [...]
How to price your embroidery orders
Pricing embroidery works is often a challenging task for those new to the embroidery shop. How are embroidery works priced? We have been asked this question a lot recently. Obviously, this is a hot [...]
What you need to know when starting an embroidery business
Today, the embroidery business is becoming popular, more and more entrepreneurs are starting to use embroidery as a means of making a living. However, many embroidery novices only know [...]
Embroidery For Beginners - Learn What Supplies Will You Prepare
We often see that: After newbies just received their embroidery machine, they can’t wait to assemble the machine and then prepare to start their first magical embroidery project. At this time, you [...]
A complete guide to embroidery hoops
As we all know, many factors lead to creating a high-quality embroidery piece, you need to choose a proper embroidery machine, select the correct design, and [...]
Something You Must Know About Embroidery Thread Tension - Tension Gauge
In computer embroidery, adjusting the tension to the appropriate state is a very important step, which is related to the quality of the embroidery. However, judging the tension based on [...]
Something You Must Know About Embroidery Thread Tension - Test and Adjustment
You've got a good understanding of embroidery thread tension from the last blog. Keeping a proper embroidery thread tension can effectively reduce the waste of time and cost. In order to do this, you are supposed to [...]

What accessories will an embroidery machine need?

Nowadays, embroidery is very popular among many friends. Some people are purely out of embroidery hobby, and some people want to start an [...]

How to choose embroidery thread with BAi?

Many of our customers often let us recommend suitable thread for them. Indeed, how to choose a embroidery thread from a wide variety of embroidery threads is [...]

Some useful suggestions when digitizing embroidery patterns

It is true that designing a complex embroidery pattern requires brains, and there are many details that need to be paid attention to, otherwise, there will be[...]

How to choose embroidery bobbins with BAi?

Many customers often face the problem of thread breakage or thread trimming when using embroidery machines. This phenomenon is abnormal. [...]


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